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BHS Project Update

Construction Administration
The construction phase is currently in progress and is being handled in four phases as follows:
Phase I (C Section):  2/24 to 4/25
Phase II (B Section): 4/25 to 2/26
Phase III (A Section): 2/26 to 10/26
Phase IV (Modulars): 10/26 to 12/26
Design Development, Construction Documentation & Bidding
The project went out to bid initially on 9/29/23 for the General Contractor (GC) and Filed Sub-Contractors (FSB).  The project was subsequently rebid on 11/29/23 due to a technical issue related to workforce participation. 
Bidding closed 1/17/24 for GC bids.  Four GC Bids were received. There had been five prequalified bidders, however, Agostini backed out. Brait Builders Corporation came in with the lowest base bid of $76,839,000 which is about $1,347,000 under the project budget. The next lowest bidder was Fontaine Bros, Inc for $78,873,000.   The GC contract was awarded to Brait Builders.
Project Scope and Budget and Project Funding Agreements
On 3/2/22, the MSBA voted to approve the Bartlett High School Project for a major renovation project. The Board approved an estimated maximum total facility grant in the amount of $51,577,377.  This amount did not include any funds for potentially eligible owners or construction contingency expenditures.  In the event that the MSBA determined that any of these costs are eligible for reimbursement, the grant could be increased to as much as $53,453,799.  The final grant amount will be determined by the MSBA after a full audit of all project costs.

The School Building Committee sought approval from Webster citizens at the 5/2/22 election via a ballot question to allow the Town of Webster to be exempt from proposition 21/2 so the project could be paid for by bonds.  Following the ballot vote, the Committee sought approval at the 5/9/11 Town Meeting to borrow the funds needed to complete the project.  The article included the entire project amount of $101,417,044 although it was known that the MSBA would reimburse Webster an estimated $51,577,377.  The town’s plan was to borrow the remaining project cost amount which is the total project cost minus the estimated MSBA grant reimbursement.  The estimated borrowing amount was estimated to be $49,839,707.

The implication of not funding this project would require the town of Webster to fund 100% of the costs to repair and upgrade the building which was estimated to cost $66,000,000.  This projected repair costs would have cost the community about $16,160,293 more. 

The project was initially defeated at the May town meeting.  The School Building Committee, School Committee and Board of Selectmen decided to hold another special town meeting in June, 2022 as opportunity for voters to reconsider.  All three committees felt strongly that the information presented needed to be more robust to explain to voters the impact on the community if the project failed.  The vote passed overwhelmingly and the project will proceed forward.

The following materials were used to better educate citizens about the project need, costs, reimbursement, etc..:

It was calculated that for every $100,000, the annual tax increase would be $164.90 annually. The median home in Webster was assessed at $262,200, which translated to an increase of $432.63 annually or a daily cost of $1.19.

Feasibility Study
The feasibility study was approved by the Town of Webster Voters at the Special Town Meeting on 1/13/20.  To view the Feasibility study, click link here.  
Project Team
The Committee was formed in September 2019.  The Committee’s first task was to hire an Owner’s Project Manager (OPM).  The Committee received 7 OPM RFS that were evaluated by using criteria set by the state.  A top three list was identified AND ranked as 1) Collier, 2) Skanska & 3) Heery.  This was brought forward to the School Committee for approval and acceptance with Colliers being selected as the OPM.  The team subsequently mobilized to form a designer selection subcommittee.  Designer RFS were received on 10/29/20 and submitted to the MSBA Designer Selection Panel (DSP).  The DSP is made up of 13 members which 3 are from the District.  The DSP met on 11/17/20 to review and discuss the proposals to narrow down the selection to potentially 3 finalists.  The top 3 finalists were 1) Flansburgh 2) Dore & Whittier and 3) Mille Dyer Spears (MDS). These 3 finalists participated in interviews on 12/1/20 with the same DSP.  The district's 3 members of the DSP supported Dore & Whittier based upon their history with Webster having successfully completing the Webster Middle School and Park Avenue Projects.  The remainder of the DSP did not support the district’s wishes to put forward Dore and Whittier as Dore & Whittier lost by 1 vote with the final ranking being Flansburgh 39, D&W 38 and MDS coming in third.   
Eligibility period
The Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) approved the Town of Webster to enter into a Feasibility Study at the cost of $1,000,000 to be reimbursed at a rate of 76.84% to the Town of Webster tax payers.  This study identified problems, crafted solutions, developed drawings and outlined cost estimates and a construction schedule.  This was Webster’s 6th attempt at getting accepted into the program.  To view the statement of interest, click link here.