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FY2013 Budget

  • Budget Calendar FY13.xls

  • Budget Intro - Superintendents Message.doc

  • FY2013 Budget Worksheet - SC 4.30.12.xls

  • FY2013 Schedule 19 Foundation Budget.xls

    The DESE permits school departments to report certain school-related expenses incurred by other Town Departments only when there is an agreement between municipal and school officials on the expenses to be allocated and the method of allocation. 
  • T - DESE Foundation Budget.xls

    A foundation budget is calculated for each school district, representing the minimum spending level needed to provide an adequate education. The foundation budget is adjusted each year to reflect changes in the district's enrollment; changes in student demographics (grade levels; low income status; English language proficiency); inflation; and geographical differences in wage levels.
  • Underfunding Foundation - Cutting Class.pdf

    The Education Reform Act of 1993 dramatically overhauled the formula for providing state education aid to the Commonwealth’s K-12 school districts, in large part by creating the state’s foundation budget, a calculation of adequate baseline spending amounts for every district individually. The foundation budget has been in place for almost two decades now, and it has not yet been comprehensively reexamined. This paper contributes to the growing statewide conversation about the foundation budget’s present adequacy by identifying major gaps between what the foundation budget says districts need for certain cost categories in Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 and what districts are actually spending. 
  • Webster Cherry Sheets - SWM FY13.doc

    The Cherry Sheet is the official notification by the Commissioner of Revenue to municipalities and school districts of estimated state aid to be paid and charges to be assessed over the next fiscal year. As the state budget process unfolds updated local aid proposals are posted. Cherry Sheets are issued once the state budget is enacted by the Legislature and approved by the Governor 
  • x Mass Budget - Legislative Budget Fy2013.pdf